Slow Dance with the Best Man Read online

Page 18

  Charlie opened her mouth to protest when he cut her off with a raised hand.

  ‘And don’t try anything foolish, like trying to slip away again. My men will be watching you.’

  His men?

  What the hell...?

  Truly appalled, Charlie pulled her handbag from under the desk, dumped it on the counter, and ferociously yanked the zipper. ‘Listen, mate, I’ll prove to you that I’m not this Olivia person.’ Pulling out her purse, she flipped it open to reveal her driver’s licence. ‘My name’s Charlotte Morisset. Like it or lump it.’

  Her pulse was racketing at a giddy pace as he leaned forward to inspect the proffered licence. There was something very not right about this. He had the outward appearance of a highly successful man. Handsome and well groomed, with that shiny dark hair and flashing grey eyes, he might have been a male model or a film star, or even a barrister. A federal politician. Someone used to being in the spotlight.

  It made no sense that he would confuse her—ordinary, everyday Charlie Morisset from the wrong end of Bankstown—with anyone from his circle.

  Unless he was a high-class criminal. Perhaps he’d heard the recent ripples in the art world. Perhaps he knew that her father was on the brink of finally garnering attention for his work.

  My men will be watching you.

  Charlie snapped her purse shut, hoping he hadn’t had time to read her address and date of birth.

  ‘So you’ve changed your name, but not your date of birth,’ he said with just a hint of menace.

  Charlie let out a huff—half sigh, half terror. ‘Listen, mister. I want you to leave. Now. If you don’t, I’m calling the police.’ She reached for the phone.

  As she did so Grim Face slipped a hand into the breast pocket of his coat.

  White-hot fear strafed through Charlie. He was getting out his gun. Her hands were shaking as she pressed triple zero. But it was probably too late. She was about to die.

  Instead of producing a gun, however, he slapped a photograph down on the counter. ‘This is the girl I’m looking for.’ He eyed Charlie with the steely but watchful gaze of a detective ready to pounce. ‘Her name is Olivia Belaire.’

  Once again, Charlie gasped.

  It was the photo that shocked her this time. It was a head and shoulders photograph of herself.

  There could be no doubt. That was her face. Those were her unruly blonde curls, her blue eyes, her too-wide mouth. Even the dimple in the girl’s right cheek was the same shape as hers.

  Charlie heard a voice speaking from her phone, asking whether she wanted the police, the ambulance or the fire brigade.

  ‘Ah, no,’ she said quickly. ‘Sorry, I’m OK. It was a false alarm.’

  As she disconnected, she stared at the photo. Every detail was exact, including the tilt of the girl’s smile. Except no, wait a minute, this dimple was in the girl’s left cheek.

  Then again, Charlie supposed some cameras might reverse the image.

  The girl, who looked exactly like her and was supposed to be Olivia Belaire, was even wearing a plain white T-shirt, just as Charlie was now, tucked into blue jeans. And there was a beach in the background, which could easily have been Sydney’s Bondi Beach. Charlie tried to remember what she’d been wearing the last time she’d been to Bondi.

  ‘Where’d you get this photo?’

  For the first time, Grim Face almost smiled. ‘I took it with my own camera, as you know very well. At Saint-Tropez.’

  Charlie rubbed at her forehead, wishing that any part of this made sense. She swallowed, staring hard at the photo. ‘Who is this girl? How do you know her?’

  His jaw tightened with impatience. ‘It’s time to stop the games now, Olivia.’

  ‘I’m not—’ This was getting tedious. ‘What’s your name?’ she asked instead. ‘What’s this all about?’

  Now it was his turn to sigh, to give a weary, resigned shake of his head and to run a frustrated hand through his thick dark hair, ruffling it rather attractively.

  Charlie found herself watching with inappropriate interest.

  ‘My name’s Rafe.’ He sounded bored, as if he was repeating something she already knew. ‘Short for Rafael. Rafael St Romain.’

  ‘Sorry, that doesn’t ring a bell. It sounds—maybe—French?’

  ‘French is our national language,’ the man called Rafe acceded. ‘Although most of our citizens also speak English. I live in Montaigne.’

  ‘That cute little country in the Alps?’

  He continued to look bored, as if he was sure she was playing with him. ‘Exactly.’

  Charlie had heard about Montaigne, of course. It was very small and not especially important, as far as she could tell, but it was famous for skiing and—and for something else, something glamorous like jewellery.

  She’d seen photos in magazines of celebrities, even royalty, holidaying there. ‘Well, that’s very interesting, Rafe, but it doesn’t—’

  Charlie paused. Damn. She couldn’t afford to waste time with this distraction. She made a quick check around the gallery. The vagrant was still asleep in the window seat. The old ladies were having a good old chinwag. The other couple were also deep in discussion, still looking at her father’s paintings and studying the catalogue.

  She needed to speak to them. She had a feeling they were on the verge of making a purchase and she couldn’t afford to let them slip away, to ‘think things over’.

  ‘I really don’t have time for this,’ she told Rafael St Romain.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she was aware of the couple nodding together, as if they’d reached a decision. Ignoring his continuing grim expression, she skirted the counter and stepped out into the gallery, her soft-soled shoes silent on the tiles.

  ‘What did you think of the Morissets?’ she asked, directing her question to the couple.

  They looked up and she sent them an encouraging smile.

  ‘The paintings are wonderful,’ the man said. ‘So bold and original.’

  ‘We’d love one for our lounge room,’ added the woman.

  Her husband nodded. ‘We’re just trying to make a decision.’

  ‘We need to go home and take another look at our wall space,’ the woman said quickly.

  Charlie’s heart sank. She knew from experience that the chances of this couple returning to make an actual purchase were slim. Most true art lovers knew exactly what they wanted as soon as they saw it.

  This couple were more interested in interior décor. Already they were walking away.

  The woman’s smile was almost apologetic, as she looked back over her shoulder, as if she’d guessed that they’d disappointed Charlie. ‘We’ll see you soon,’ she called.

  Charlie smiled and nodded, but as they disappeared through the doorway her shoulders drooped.

  She wished this weren’t her problem, but, even though she’d moved out of home into a tiny shoebox studio flat when her father remarried, she still looked after her father’s finances. It was a task she’d assumed at the age of fourteen, making sure that the rent and the bills were paid while she did her best to discourage her dad from throwing too many overly extravagant parties, or from taking expensive holidays to ‘fire up his muse’.

  Unfortunately, her new stepmother, Skye, was as unworldly and carefree as her dad, so she’d been happy to leave this task in Charlie’s hands. The bills all came to the gallery and Charlie was already trying to figure out how she’d pay the electricity bills for this month, as well as providing the funds for nourishing meals.

  Skye would need plenty of nourishment while she cared for Isla, tiny little Isla who’d taken a scarily long time to start breathing after she was born. Despite her small size, Charlie’s baby sister had looked perfect, though, with the sweetest cap of dark hair, a neat nose and darling l
ittle mouth like a rosebud. Perfect tiny fingers and toes.

  But the doctors were running some tests on Isla. Charlie wasn’t sure what they were looking for, but the thought that something might be wrong with her baby sister was terrifying. Since Isla’s birth, her father had more or less lived at the hospital, camping by Skye’s bed.

  Charlie was dragged from these gloomy thoughts by the phone ringing. She turned back to the counter, annoyed to see that Rafael St Romain in his expensive grey suit hadn’t budged an inch. And he was still watching her.

  Deliberately not meeting his distrustful grey gaze, she picked up the phone.


  She knew immediately from the tone of her father’s voice that he was worried. A chill shimmied through her. ‘Hi.’ She turned her back on the exquisitely suited Rafael.

  ‘We’ve had some bad news about Isla,’ her father said. ‘There’s a problem with her heart.’

  Horrified, Charlie sank forward, elbows supporting her on the counter. Her heart. ‘How—how bad is it?’


  Sickening dizziness swept over Charlie. ‘What can they do?’

  There was silence on the other end of the phone.


  ‘The doctors here can’t do anything. Her problem is very rare and complicated. You should see her, Charlie. She’s in isolation, with tubes everywhere and all these monitors.’ Her father’s voice was ragged and Charlie knew he was only just holding himself together.

  ‘Surely they can do something?’

  ‘It doesn’t sound like it, but there’s a cardiologist in Boston who’s had some success with surgery.’

  ‘Boston!’ Charlie bit back a groan. Her mind raced. A surgeon in Boston meant serious money. Mountains of it. Poor little Isla. What could they do?

  Charlie knew only too well that her father had little chance of raising a quick loan for this vital operation. He’d never even been able to raise a mortgage. His income flow was so erratic, the banks wouldn’t take the risk.

  Poor Isla. What on earth could they do? Charlie looked again at the paintings hanging on the walls. She knew they were good. And since her father had married Skye, there’d been a new confidence in his work, a new daring. His latest stuff had shown a touch of genius.

  Charlie was sure Michael Morisset was on the very edge of being discovered by the world and becoming famous. But it would be too late for Isla.

  ‘I’m going to ring around,’ her father said. ‘To see what help I can get. You never know...’

  ‘Yes, that’s a good idea,’ Charlie told him fervently. ‘Good luck. I’ll make some calls too and see what I can do. Even if I can get some advice, anything that might help.’

  ‘That would be great, love. Thanks.’

  ‘I’ll call again later.’


  ‘Give Skye a hug from me.’

  Charlie disconnected, set the phone down, and let her head sink into her hands as she wrestled with the unbearable thought of her newborn baby sister’s tiny damaged heart, the poor, precious creature struggling to hold on to her fragile new life.

  ‘Excuse me.’

  She jumped as the deep masculine voice intruded into her misery. She’d forgotten all about Rafael St Romain and his stupid photo. Swiping at tears, she turned to him. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t have time to deal with this Olivia business.’

  ‘Yes, I can see that.’

  To her surprise he seemed less formidable. Perhaps he’d overheard her end of the conversation. He almost looked concerned.

  ‘You were speaking with your father,’ he said.

  Charlie’s chin lifted. ‘Yes.’ Not that it was any of his business.

  ‘Then clearly I am in the wrong. I apologise. The woman I’m searching for has no father.’

  ‘Right. Good.’ At least he would leave her in peace now.

  ‘But the likeness is uncanny,’ he said.

  ‘It is.’ Charlie couldn’t deny this. The photo that had supposedly been taken in Saint-Tropez showed a mirror image of herself, and, despite her new worries about Isla, she couldn’t help being curious. ‘How do you know this Olivia?’ she found herself asking. ‘Who is she?’

  Rafael regarded her steadily and he took a nerve-racking age before he answered. Trapped in his powerful gaze, Charlie flashed hot and cold. The man was ridiculously attractive. Under different circumstances she might have been quite helplessly smitten.

  Instead, she merely felt discomfited. And annoyed.

  ‘Olivia Belaire is my fiancée,’ he said at last. ‘And for the sake of my country’s future, I have to find her.’

  For the sake of his country’s future?

  Charlie’s jaw was already gaping and couldn’t drop any further. This surprise, coming on top of her father’s bombshell, was almost too much to take in.

  How was it possible that a girl who looked exactly the same as herself could live on the other side of the world and somehow be responsible for an entire country’s future?

  Who was Olivia?

  Charlie had heard of doppelgängers, but she’d never really believed they existed in real life.

  But what other explanation could there be?

  A twin sister?

  This thought was barely formed before fine hairs lifted on Charlie’s skin. And before she could call a halt to her thoughts, they galloped on at a reckless pace.

  This girl, Olivia, had no father, while to all intents and purposes she, Charlie, had no mother.

  Charlie’s father had always been vague about her mother. Her parents had divorced when Charlie was a baby and her mother had taken off for Europe, never to be heard from or seen again. Over the years, Charlie had sometimes fretted over her mother’s absence, but she and her dad had been so close, he’d made up for the loss. Money worries aside, he’d been a wonderful dad.

  The two of them had enjoyed many fabulous adventures together, sailing in the South Pacific, hiking in Nepal, living in the middle of rice fields in Bali while her father taught English during the day and painted at night. They’d also had a few very exciting months in New York.

  When her father had married Skye, Charlie had been happy to see him so settled at last, and she’d been thrilled when Skye became pregnant. She liked the idea of being part of a bigger family. Now, though, she couldn’t help thinking back and wondering why her father had limited his travels to Asia, strictly avoiding Europe. Had he actually been avoiding her mother?

  Charlie gulped at the next thought. Had he been afraid that she’d discover her twin sister?

  Surely not.

  Copyright © 2017 by Barbara Hannay

  ISBN-13: 9781488014673

  Slow Dance with the Best Man

  Copyright © 2017 by Sophie Pembroke

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